
Candy sweet girl

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  1. Beauty wear

    Beauty is

    Not a colur...

    Beauty is

    Not a cat walk...

    Beauty is

    Not a sexy...

    Beauty is

    Not a un healthy...

    Beauty is

    First lovingely...

    Beauty is


    Another things are

    Beauty is ther...

    Love and lovely not



    Without Beauty
    What is a Poem?
    What is a Life?

    Without Beauty
    What are we?

    We need Beauty-
    We live by Beauty-
    Beauty in words also.

    Oh if I could only write a poem
    As Great as my feelings of Beauty are.

  3. beauty is the beast

    beauty is the beast
    upon our souls and hearts it feasts
    it makes us blind to itself
    behind innocent smiles it hides in stealth
    yet in every place where beauty lies
    the angels breath out their gentle sighs
    its iron strength conquers our hearts by storm
    transforming our very souls into their darkest form
    to beauty does our money go, to beauty does our hearts
    oh beauty it does cast its spell and triumphs over smarts
    for beauty's thirst is unquenchable with habits most costly to sustain
    it is beauty that calls to us and causes all our pain
    and those who do escape beauty’s graceful wrath
    yearn for its cursed gifts with envy doubled rather than halved
    for beauty is the ugliest and foulest creature of them all
    and in the end it is beauty that everything must fall
    for beauty is the beast that we fight within
    hence if beauty is the beast one can never win...
