
As beautiful as the fairy

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  1. your beauty is a big world its space is you
    your beauty is a sky its moon is you
    your beauty is a paradise its angel is you
    your beauty is a garden its flower is you
    your beauty is a poem its title is you
    your beauty is a theater its art is you
    your beauty is a song its melody is you
    and i wish to sing that song.

  2. Beauty

    Blonde hairs, blue eyes and bell shaped body
    Is that what you call beauty?
    Brown eyes, braided hairs and skinny body
    Is that what you prefer?
    Wait! Are these real beauties or just some burning youthful lust?
    Sit and learn from the elders who have seen it all
    Real Beauty transcends the physical
    Real Beauty is rhetorical
    Real Beauty corrodes like a chemical
    Real Beauty eludes every racial barrier
    It is that which makes you wonder
    How sweet and splendid are you Beauty?

  3. Beautiful Satiation

    We carefully search for beauty where beauty never stood
    I never did attain it, I knew I never could
    The simple shapes of earth cannot satiate my need
    I need true beauty; beauty like the world can never see
    Mirrors lie and people judge the faults they themselves reflect
    Pointing out my problems while ignoring their own regrets
    Beauty is elusive, serpentine, slick, and rare
    We find angelic features aplenty but true beauty isn’t there
    Reflected not by mirrored glass, but in our good deeds
    True beauty lies locked within our souls, and love is the only key

  4. Beauty

    Most people find beauty in looks,
    But I find beauty from the written words in books.
    I find beauty in the sun set and sun rise.
    I find beauty in three small dog's eyes.
    I find beauty in the motion of the sea.
    The green fingers of mother nature are very beautiful to me.
    I find beauty in my friends laughter.
    I find beauty in stories that end happily ever after.
