
beauty gril 5

'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever'
Words of Keats one can forget never
What is beauty - beauty is where
One can enjoy here and there, every where!
Grecian urn a beautiful piece
Niagara falls a beautiful place
Silver streaks of water brings us peace
Hills and dales sure nature's grace!
Does beauty lie in the objects seen
Or lie in the eyes of the seer keen?
Beauty seen in the scorching Sun
Beauty felt in the biting cold
Beauty heard in the melody of birds
Beauty smelt in the fragrance of rose
Beauty tasted in the bitterness of neem
Beauty found sure in every mean(s) !
'Beauty is truth and truth beauty
That is all what ye know on earth
And what all ye need to know'
Words of Wisdom
From votary of beauty
And a devotee of Almighty!
Creator of noble beauty
Harbinger of peace and piety
Bless me with those eyes and mind
Beauty in ugliness that they can find!
Beauty of the mind and beauty of the soul
Sure makes one the wholesome whole!

