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The sleeping beauty in Chinajoy of 2008

Once upon a time there was a Queen who had a beautiful baby daughter. She asked all the fairies in the kingdom to the christening, but unfortunately forgot to invite one of them, who was a bit of a witch as well. She came anyway, but as she passed the baby's cradle, she said:
"When you are sixteen, you will injure yourself with a spindle and die!"
"Oh, no!" screamed the Queen in horror. A good fairy quickly chanted a magic spell to change the curse. When she hurt herself, the girl would fall into a very deep sleep instead of dying.
The years went by, the little Princess grew and became the most beautiful girl in the whole kingdom. Her mother was always very careful to keep her away from spindles, but the Princess, on her sixteenth birthday, as she wandered through the castle, came into a room where an old servant was spinning.
"What are you doing?" she asked the servant.
"I'm spinning. Haven't you seen a spindle before?"
"No. Let me see it!" The servant handed the girl the spindle ... and she pricked herself with it and. with a sigh, dropped to the floor.
The terrified old woman hurried to tell the Queen. Beside herself with anguish, the Queen did her best to awaken her daughter but in vain. The court doctors and wizards were called, but there was nothing they could do. The girl could not be wakened from her deep sleep. The good fairy who managed to avoid the worst of the curse came too, and the Queen said to her,
"When will my daughter waken?"
"I don't know," the fairy admitted sadly.
"In a year's time, ten years or twenty?" the Queen went on.
"Maybe in a hundred years' time. Who knows?" said the fairy.
"Oh! What would make her waken?" asked the Queen weeplng.
"Love," replied the fairy. "If a man of pure heart were to fall in love with her, that would bring her back to life!"
"How can a man fall in love with a sleeping girl?" sobbed the Queen, and so heart-broken was she that, a few days later, she died. The sleeping Princess was taken to her room and laid on the bed surrounded by garlands of flowers. She was so beautiful, with a sweet face, not like those of the dead, but pink like those who are sleeping peacefully. The good fairy said to herself,
"When she wakens, who is she going to see around her? Strange faces and people she doesn't know? I can never let that happen. It would be too painful for this unfortunate girl."
So the fairy cast a spell; and everyone that lived in the castle - soldiers, ministers, guards, servants, ladies, pages, cooks, maids and knights - all fell into a deep sleep, wherever they were at that very moment.
"Now," thought the fairy, "when the Princess wakes up, they too will awaken, and life will go on from there." And she left the castle, now wrapped in silence. Not a sound was to be heard, nothing moved except for the clocks, but when they too ran down, they stopped, and time stopped with them. Not even the faintest rustle was to be heard, only the wind whistling round the turrets, not a single voice, only the cry of birds.
The years sped past. In the castle grounds, the trees grew tall. The bushes became thick and straggling, the grass invaded the courtyards and the creepers spread up the walls. In a hundred years, a dense forest grew up.
Now, it so happened that a Prince arrived in these parts. He was the son of a king in a country close by. Young, handsome and melancholy, he sought in solitude everything he could not find in the company of other men: serenity, sincerity and purity. Wandering on his trusty steed he arrived, one day, at the dark forest. Being adventurous, he decided to explore it. He made his way through slowly and with a struggle, for the trees and bushes grew in a thick tangle. A few hours later, now losing heart, he was about to turn his horse and go back when he thought he could see something through the trees . . . He pushed back the branches . . . Wonder of wonders! There in front of him stood a castle with high towers. The young man stood stock still in amazement,
"I wonder who this castle belongs to?" he thought.
The young Prince rode on towards the castle. The drawbridge was down and, holding his horse by the reins, he crossed over it. Immediately he saw the inhabitants draped all over the steps, the halls and courtyards, and said to himself,
"Good heavens! They're dead!" But in a moment, he realised that they were sound asleep. "Wake up! Wake up!" he shouted, but nobody moved. Still thoroughly astonished, he went into the castle and again discovered more people, lying fast asleep on the floor. As though led by a hand in the complete silence, the Prince finally reached the room where the beautiful Princess lay fast asleep. For a long time he stood gazing at her face, so full of serenity, so peaceful, lovely and pure, and he felt spring to his heart that love he had always been searching for and never found. Overcome by emotion, he went close, lifted the girl's little white hand and gently kissed it . . .
At that kiss, the prlncess qulckly opened her eyes, and wakening from her long long sleep, seeing the Prince beside her, murmured:
"Oh, you have come at last! I was waiting for you in my dream. I've waited so long!"
Just then, the spell was broken. The Princess rose to her feet, holding out her hand to the Prince. And the whole castle woke up too. Everybody rose to their feet and they all stared round in amazement, wondering what had happened. When they finally realised, they rushed to the Princess, more beautiful and happier then ever.
A few days later, the castle that only a short time before had lain in silence, now rang with the sound of singing, music and happy laughter at the great party given in honour of the Prince and Princess, who were getting married. They lived happily ever after, as they always do in fairy tales, not quite so often, however, in real life.


I love your soft kisses.
I love your soft touch.
I love the way you bite your lip.
I love you soooooo much.
I love the way you look at me.
I love the way you smile.
I love the way you're shy sometimes,Every once and a while.
I love it when you look at me, When I'm not looking at you.
You think I do not realize it, But really...I do.I love the way you cuddle.
I love the way you sleep.I love the way you rub your neck,when you are thinking so deep.
I love all of you,Your nose, your lips, your hair, your feet.
I will never stop loving you.You are so amazingly sweet.
I love that I love you.I have loved you from the very start.
I LOVE ALL OF YOU,I now hand you the key to my heart.

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As beautiful as the fairy

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beauty gril 15

beauty gril 14

beauty gril 13

beauty gril 12

beauty gril 11


Beauty is beyond looks
Beauty is beyond personality
Beauty is beyond pretty hair
Beauty is beyond smarts
Beauty is beyond your skin color
Beauty beyond your body shape
Beauty comes in different shape
And size and we all beautiful
In our who way.

beauty gril 10

beauty is a gift of god
love and affection
beauty and warmth
pleasure and comfort
beauty is a desire of lovely
face and heart
beauty is a melodious tune
beauty is art
what is beauty
without love and affection
beauty is happiness
of a kind nature
such a beauty aishwarya rai has
impressive and bold eyes
if she can be beautiful
so can u be
be gud and have some fun
being beautiful is a kind of a duty
beauty is of love and affection
not any kind of rejection

beauty gril 9

Is There Any Truth in Beauty?
What of the lies beauty tells thee?
Could my beauty not be as worthy
As I make thy Beauty part of me?
Such is Beauty as to make one's sight loud.
This beauty that veils our sense in a shroud.
beauty: that which deters seeing the person.
Does Beauty not conceal what is and isn't?
Yet merciless time holds beauty as a hostage,
Defiles Beauty and scars it with lasting ravage.
Thus the years that pass send Beauty to its resting-place
For vain beauty will yield, to woefully fall from grace.
If beauty should ever lament on age's cruelty,
Let not Beauty forget how little it has wept for me.

beauty gril 8

Beauty, Beautious, Beautiful

Beauty is not a superficial form
Each has their own in essential nature
And in the actions they perform
Until the dissolution of their life
To leave beauty’s impressions in our hearts
Yesterdays beauty never leaves or departs.

Beauty is all around
Each and every place it may be found As you look with open eyes
Upon the forms that nature makes
Then man seeks to imitate
Yearning to match that beauty all around.

Beauty if you cannot find
Beauty must be in mind
Beauty is in purity
Beauty of simplicity
Beauty runs right through and through
Beauty in me, and them, and you.

Beauty, beauteous, beautiful
Beauty in heaven Beauty in fire
Beauty in earth
And finally beauty in a simple verse.

beauty gril 7

Behold, I adore beauty

Beauty is warm and cold
Beauty is black and bold
Beauty is different for us all I am told
Beauty I would love a chance to mould
Beauty gives the finest pleasure I am told

Beauty can be bought and sold
To the one and only highest bidder
While it graciously glitters like gold

I adore beauty
Oh! How I adore beauty with a passion
I adore beauty with every last breath

Beauty itself is not exempt
From the laws of birth and death
It experiences the joys of being young and old
Blossoming each day in early youth
Maturing adoringly each day with age

Behold, I adore beauty
Oh! How I adore beauty with a passion

Beauty is something I would like to hold
Where there is too much ugly
I can bring it out of a drawer and unfold
Spread it around the entire household
Without worrying about getting a scold

Behold, I adore beauty
Oh! How I adore beauty

When out on a nightie
Quite hungry and thirsty
And you drink the last drops of milk
From a beautiful chest that is busty
I would say, that itself is a faculty of beauty

beauty gril 6

Awesome Beauty
When the golden sunset
Sets over the amber hills
And when the moon shines bright
And all the world stands still
There is beauty, awesome beauty
God took the dust and formed a man
He paints each sunrise with His hand
He took all the love within His heart
And gave us beauty from the start
There's beauty, awesome beauty
When the storm clouds come
And thunder rolls
When skies are dark
And it hardens the soul
There's beauty, awesome beauty
God took all the love within His heart
And gave us beauty from the start
There's beauty, awesome beauty
Through every age
There is a call
To admire the creation
He gave us all
It is beauty, awesome beauty
See the beauty, hear the call
Enjoy the life He gave us all
God took the love in His heart
And gave us beauty from the start
There's beauty, awesome beauty


beauty gril 5

'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever'
Words of Keats one can forget never
What is beauty - beauty is where
One can enjoy here and there, every where!
Grecian urn a beautiful piece
Niagara falls a beautiful place
Silver streaks of water brings us peace
Hills and dales sure nature's grace!
Does beauty lie in the objects seen
Or lie in the eyes of the seer keen?
Beauty seen in the scorching Sun
Beauty felt in the biting cold
Beauty heard in the melody of birds
Beauty smelt in the fragrance of rose
Beauty tasted in the bitterness of neem
Beauty found sure in every mean(s) !
'Beauty is truth and truth beauty
That is all what ye know on earth
And what all ye need to know'
Words of Wisdom
From votary of beauty
And a devotee of Almighty!
Creator of noble beauty
Harbinger of peace and piety
Bless me with those eyes and mind
Beauty in ugliness that they can find!
Beauty of the mind and beauty of the soul
Sure makes one the wholesome whole!

beauty gril 4

Now my life is a dream come true
It all began when I was loved by you
Now I have found what I am looking for
Its your love, your beauty and nothing more
Beauty is the sensation of your heart
Beauty is in your smile
Beauty is a rose that falls
Beauty is in your heart that touch mine
Beauty is in our hands that touch
Beauty is what surrounds you
Beauty is in the air and water
Beauty is in your eyes as they glaze upon me
Hold me my love
And we shall look upon our selves
As streams of kisses fall
Beauty is in the world
That we have created
A victory of passion
Over lust
Beauty of passion
There is beauty of a kind
That knows no boundaries of time
The shining part of you inside
That you can never hide
What can I say to thee
That touches beauty-love
To embrace what I see
A truly lovely piece of art as you
As we leave this world
Our beauty will prevail
How my love for you holds dear
How beauty shines from you
Our love is a red carpet to follow
To walk upon by endless others
For beauty will last
Our love
Your beauty
My dream

beauty gril 3

Beauty lies in the beholder's eyes
So many beauties in this appealing world
The true beauty lies in the beholder's eyes
There is beauty in the child's innocence and in mother's love
There is beauty in a friend's affection and in a tender heart
There is beauty in a pretty smile and caring eyes
There is beauty in the morning sun and a rainy day
There is beauty in the flaky slow and a pleasant spring
There is beauty in the milky moon and the graceful rivers
There is beauty in a hard earned victory and a hopeful soul
There is beauty in me and beauty in you
So many beauties in this spectacular world and its dazzling life
And the true beauty lies in the beholder's eyes

beauty gril 2

Beauty is a pretty face
Beauty is a brand new vase
Beauty is lovely hair
Beauty is an oak wooden chair
Beauty is a graceful smile
Beauty is a great sense of style
Beauty is a fragrant smell
Beauty is a 5 star hotel
Beauty is a nice toned body
Beauty surely isn’t shoddy
Beauty is sleek smooth skin True
beauty is deep within
Beauty is how i describe you

beauty gril 1

Author: Anonimous
You changed my world with a blink of an eye
That is something that I can not deny
You put my soul from worst to best
That is why I treasure you my dearest Marites

You just don't know what you have done for me
You even pushed me to the best that I can be
You really are an angel sent from above
To take care of me and shower with love

When I'm with you I will not cry even a single a tear
And your touch have chased away all of my fear
You have given me a life that I could live worthwhile
It is even better everytime you smile

It so magical those things you've made
To bring back my faith that almost fade
Now my life is a dream come true
It all began when I was loved by you
Now I have found what I am looking for
It's you and your love and nothing more
Co'z you have given me this feeling of contentment
In my life something I've never felt

I wish I could talk 'til the end of day
But now I'm running out of things to say
So I'll end by the line you already know
"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show